Bantam Silkie Vs. Standard Silkie: Which One Should You Choose?

Bantam silkie and standard silkie are two names for one breed, which is the Silkie breed, which belongs to the bantam small poultry breed.

Some may use the term bantam silkie to refer to small chickens of the Silkie breed, as each country sets its own criteria for classifying chickens. The small Silkie chicken is classified into another chicken breed referred to as the bantam Silkie breed in the United States, but it is usually not different from the large Silkie. However, it is only a classification depending on the chicken’s size that does not result in any other considerations for other chicken qualities.

Come with us to clear up the confusion between bantam silkie and standard silkie, We explain the differences and similarities between them in the following lines.

The Main Difference Between Standard Silkie and Bantam Silkie

The only obvious difference between the Standard Silkie and the Bantam Silkie Chicken is the size. Even though the standard silkie is a small chicken breed, Bantam Silkie has smaller in size than them.

Differences In Size And Weight Between Bantam And Standard Silkie 

Male bantam silkie weighs 600 grams (22 ounces) while a bantam Silkie hen weighs around 500 grams (18 ounces).

The standard male silkie weighs around 1.8 kg (4 lb), while a standard silkie hen weighs 1.36 kg (3 lb).

Bantam Silkie Vs Standard Silkie

Bantam Silkie Vs Standard Silkie

Physical Characteristics Of The Bantam Silkie And The Standard Silkie

As we mentioned, they are similar in most of the attributes. The physical characteristics of the bantam silkie and the standard silkie are almost the same, so we will discuss the most important of them.[1]

1. Feathers

Silkie Feathers are the unique feature of the Silkie breed in their silky, soft, fur-like plumage, unlike the smooth elongated feathers of other birds. The appearance of the fur results from the inability of the young’s plumage to lock, making it structurally similar to the downy part of a regular chicken’s plumage. This nature of Silkie feathers explains the Silkie’s inability to fly.

It has feathered legs, containing number of toes 5 unlike the usual in other chicken breeds, which are only.

2. Crest

The silkie crest has a different shape as well. It consists of a spherical puff of feathers above the head. The crests may be more prominent in some Silkie chickens, as some chickens have a domed, upward-curving skull, which gives them more space and makes their crest more prominent.

3. Turquoise earlobes

The blue color of earlobes is also a different trait in Silkie chickens as it is not common in chicken breeds. This dark color corresponds to the color of their dark skin and flesh. It is clear that there is a genetic trait that controls this dark color that covers the body of Silkie chickens, except for the feathers.

4. Silkie chicken beard

Some Silkie chickens come with a beard, which is a group of feathers below the beak, while others are not.

Bantam Silkie vs Standard Silkie: Temperament And Personality

They both have a calm and docile nature, are cooperative, and love to interact with members of their flock. They tend to be very friendly towards humans as they embrace them without making any special effort to tame them.

Even Silkie cocks are reputable and non-aggressive, as in other breeds.

Factors That Can Affect The Temperament Of A Silkie Chicken

There are some factors that can change Silkie’s funny and friendly temperament

1. Stress

Being bullied or pecked by the stricter breeds will lead Silkie chickens to be supposed to harassment and annoyance.

2. Not having enough food

Silkie, like other chickens, needs food in order to be in good condition. so it must be provided with enough balanced food and clean water.

3. Leaving them alone

Silkie is a very friendly and social bird that loves to be in a flock, so being left alone without companions makes him very sad, loses his fun and activity, and exposes him to major health problems.

4. The disease

The presence of any injury or pain greatly affects Silkie’s mood. Although it is resistant to diseases, it is greatly affected if it is exposed to any health problem.

IV. Bantam Silkie Vs Standard Silkie: Egg Production

The Silkie breed is a poor egg layer, laying about 2 to 3 eggs per week, at a rate of only 100 to 120 eggs per year.

Egg Size And Color 

Silkie eggs are small to medium, with an egg weight of about 1.5 ounces (42 grams). The color of the eggs ranges from light white to creamy.

Factors That Can Affect Egg Production In Silkies

1. Nutrition quality

Silkie Egg layers require a complete and balanced diet that provides them with energy, protein, and calcium. They should not be satisfied with table scraps and scratch feeds only, but also supplements must be provided to give them the necessary nutrients. 

Table scraps and scratch feeds do not provide what chickens need in terms of protein, as they provide at best less than 10% protein while laying hens need 16% protein.

Calcium is also a very important item because it is the main component of the eggshell. There are other necessary elements such as sodium as it is important for reproductive performance. Vitamin D is also very necessary for calcium absorption.

2. Water

Clean water is a very important part of the nutrients of layers but unfortunately, many people ignore it. Layers of eggs need cold, clean water continuously throughout the day. Decreased water consumption by chickens will affect total feed consumption and consequently lower egg production.

3. The light

Daylight stimulates the chicken’s reproductive cycle. egg production increases with exposure to more light.

It is preferable for chickens to be exposed to daylight for about 8 to 10 hours a day, and if it is not available, it can be replaced with artificial light.

Choosing Between Bantam Silkie And Standard Silkie

Actually, you will rarely have any difficulty choosing between both of them, they mostly have the same characteristics.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Each

Advantages of standard silkie and bantam Slikie 

They are friendly and wonderful bird pets that provide you with eggs of high nutritional value. Despite the small number of eggs, it outperforms many other nutrients.

It can also be bred for its distinctive meat as well, as although it is black in color and may be strange to some, it is sold at a high price and is offered to wealthy people. In addition, it can be used in poultry shows due to its unique appearance. It can be used for hatching eggs due to its high capacity in incubation and raising chicks.

If you’re interested in learning more, check our Silkie chicken advantages guide.

Disadvantages of standard silkie and bantam Slikie

It is slow in growth and it is delayed in laying eggs. It begins to lay eggs after about 7 to 9 months and may reach a year sometimes, which is costly economically.

Caring for Bantam Silkie and Standard Silkie Chickens

They often need the usual care that regular chickens need from a balanced diet, a clean place, and disease prevention.

Special Considerations For Caring For Silkies

They are friendly, peaceful, and non-aggressive chickens. so they should not be raised with aggressive breeds, as they will be exposed to threats and injuries. They are susceptible to lice and mites due to their thin feathers, so dusting baths should be done frequently.

Doaa Salah Profile Picture
Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.