How Many Years Can You Milk A Holstein Cow?

Holstein cows are an old breed. They are considered one of the oldest breeds of cows, originating a long time ago, about 2000 years ago. Originating in the Netherlands by crossing two breeds of cattle. It was previously known as Holstein Friesan but is now known as Holishen in most countries.

White animals from the Frisians (Holland) and black animals from the Batavians (Germany) were crossed. This cross resulted in a white-on-black strain. The good thing is that the resulting cows had a high milk yield. 

Holstein cows were famous for their high milk productivity, and they spread in many European countries. They also moved to the United States in the nineteenth century. They gained great confidence there due to their huge production of milk, and they became the main source of milk production in the United States since that time.

How Many Years Can You Milk A Holstein Cow?

cow and his baby

You can milk a Holstein cow for 4-6 years. Your Holstein cow remains productive whenever its breeding conditions are good. Although it has a good nature, adapts to the environment and can be raised easily.

Its productivity depends greatly on the conditions of care that you receive. They are animals that give you what you offer them without losing anything from your right. If you take care of it and provide it with good conditions of care.

It will bring you all the goodness of high milk productivity that you will achieve a great gain behind it. in addition to a physical structure that is resistant to diseases and health problems.

We will conclude for you with the most important points that you should keep in mind when raising a Holstein cow to extend its productive life.

4 Important Factors To Care About For Better Milk Production In Holstein Cows

Here are 4 elements that we think are pretty important when it comes to Holstein cows milk productivity:

Heat Intolerant 

The first thing you should keep in mind is that the Holstein breed is accustomed to cold climates and does not deal well with hot climates, so any change in the usual temperature greatly affects its general condition and reduces its productivity.


Holstein cows thrive in good pastures. You must provide them with enough fodder that contains the nutrients they need to produce milk. It must be taken into account that they require large amounts of fodder that are in line with their high milk productivity. In addition to that they need sufficient clean water. A clean barn with good Ventilation in the summer and covered in the winter is also essential.

The bad side of Holstein cows is that they are not good at dealing with poor pastures. This is directly reflected negatively in their productivity and their general condition.

Health Care

Holstein cows are not very susceptible to diseases. They often enjoy good health. Nevertheless, precautions must be taken and work to protect them from expected diseases. [1]

You must follow a vaccination program for your cow prepared by the veterinarian and stick to the doses on time. Also, take care of the health of your cow’s udder a lot. Starting from cleaning the floors and scrubbing them of dirt regularly, to choosing good milking equipment and following a daily milking routine depends on cleaning and sterilizing the udders regularly.


The other bad side of the Holstein breed is that it is often exposed to dystocia due to the large size of its calves. but it can be avoided by taking precautions and constantly communicating with the veterinarian to avoid any complications for your cow.


How long does a Holstein cow live?

Holstein cows can live between 4-7 years. 

When should I stop milking my cow?

Two months before her calving time, that is, in the seventh month of her pregnancy. The dry period is preferable to be at least two months until the cow prepares for a new production cycle.

If milking continues, then her milk production will fluctuate by 25 to 30% in the next lactation cycle.

Related Article: Do Holstein Cows Have To Be Pregnant To Produce Milk? What Do Science Say?

How often do you need to milk a Holstein cow?

According to its milk productivity, the average is often two to three times a day.

What is the average productive life of a Holstein?

The average productive life of a Holstein is 4-6 years.

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Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.