Can Ducks Land In Trees? A Well Research Guide

It was an amazing sight when I saw the ducks perching and nesting in the trees. The sight of the ducks with their little chicks in a nest at the top of a tree was a strange sight that I had never been used to before!

Ducks are often seen on the ground, in ponds and rivers, and around any water bodies. But it turns out that the world of ducks is a deep and interesting world full of oddities and wonders that not many people don’t know about.

You won’t find many people who know that ducks fly long distances across countries and continents! Or they know that ducks can live and nest their chicks in the tops of trees! Yes, we know very little about ducks, and we are still discovering many of their diverse and wondrous skills and abilities.

Leave the image of ducks swimming in the water imprinted in your mind aside and let’s learn more about one of ducks’ strange skills, which is their ability to land, sleep and nest in trees.

Can Ducks Land In Trees?

Ducklings Land In The Tree In The Pond

Yes, ducks can land on trees, although this is not familiar to ducks, as they are often seen swimming in ponds and bodies of water, but many types of ducks have been already seen landing and nesting in trees!

Do Ducks Normally Sit In Trees?

No, it is not normal for all types of ducks to sit on trees but it is normal for some duck types. The behavior of sitting and nesting on trees is not one of the behaviors known to ducks. The ducks are satisfied with walking on the ground, and when they like to pamper themselves, they go swimming in the water.

Ducks love water so much that they mate and nest in the water. As for sitting on trees, although it is a behavior that has been reported a lot, it is restricted to some species of ducks only.

What Kind Of Duck Lands In A Tree?

Some types of ducks land in trees. Let’s take a quick overview of them in the next lines:

1. Wood Ducks

Wood Duck At The Pond

Wood ducks found in the USA, it is a very familiar example of a duck that lives in trees. The male wood duck is one of nature’s most beautiful ducks, even all birds. It has clear and colorful markings, an iridescent mixture of green, red, chestnut, and white.

The wooden duck is distinguished by its bright eyes and beak, as well as its beautiful colors, Males have a bright green head cut with white stripes, a chestnut chest, and buff flanks. Females also appear brownish-gray with a white spotted breast.

Wooden ducks have a unique shape that distinguishes them from other types of ducks. Its head is like a box, it is crowned and has a thin neck. Its tail is long and broad. Therefore, their silhouette shows a different and strange view of ducks, as it looks like a bird with skinny neck, a long body, short wings, and a thick tail.

Tree-Sitting Behavior Of Wood Ducks

Unlike most waterfowl, Wood Ducks like to roost and nest in trees where they are comfortable to fly through the woods. 

Wooden ducks nest in tree holes and give a high number of ducklings. Wood ducks make their nests in trees in hollows up to 65 feet high. Wood ducks also need water so they like to nest in hardwood wetlands to survive. 

Wooden ducks are characterized by their very high productivity as a result of a lot of work for the mating couple.

The relatively monotonous female will lay between 9-14 eggs. Wooden ducks often mate in January.

Wood ducks are the only ducks in North America that regularly produce two broods each year. Wood ducks also practice indeterminate brood parasitism, meaning that female wood ducks lay their eggs in the nest cavities of other wood ducks for breeding, which results in the number of eggs per nest doubling. As many as 29 eggs are found in one nest!

2. Mallard Ducks

Mallard Duck At The Grass

Mallard ducks are often found in North America and Eurasia in wild wetland ponds and estuaries and nest in trees.

Mallard ducks are known for their distinctive shape the male’s bright green head, gray flanks, and black tail curl make it distinctive and easy to identify among different duck species.[1]

Tree-Nesting Behavior Of Mallard Ducks

Mallard Ducks usually like to nest either near water or in a small hole or tree hole. Mallard ducks often search for tree holes to make their nests, unlike other types of ducks that like to nest near water.

A female mallard lines her nest with warm plucks from her undercoat. She lays up to a dozen eggs in a tree hole.

3. The Cotton-Teal

This species is one of the smallest waterfowl on Earth. Now called the pygmy cotton-teal. They are 26 cm (10 in) long and weigh only 160 g (5.6 oz). Their goose-like beak is short and deep at the base.

Males are distinguished by a dark brown forehead and crown and have a broad, blackish-green collar at the base of their neck. The back, flanks, and scapulars are dark brown with a green and purple sheen.

The female has a somewhat duller cap with a brown line across the eye. This dwarf subspecies breeds in Asia and Southeast Asia and also extends south and east into Queensland.

They are found in bodies of water and are usually seen in pairs or groups roosting in trees and making their nests in tree holes near the water.

4. Whistling-Teal

Whistling-Teal Duck On The Tree

The whistling teal is found in India and Southeast Asia. These ducks are usually seen in the Andaman-Nicobar Islands, the Maldives, and in Assam, Manipur, Bengal, and Kerala.

Whistling-teal is a small breed that comes in a generally pale brown shape with a darker brown crown and nape. Its underparts are chestnut, and the back is covered with chestnut feathers. There are also dull orange and light yellow colors with dark gray bills and legs.

It flies with its swift wing beats on broad, dark wings, and is known to like to nest in trees.

They usually breed depending on the availability of food, often during the monsoon or rainy season. They make their own nests in tree holes and feed on frogs and invertebrates such as worms and mollusks. 


Will Ducks Nest In Trees?

Yes, since ducks are very secretive about making their nest, there are some types of ducks 
Such as wood ducks, Mallard Ducks, The cotton-teal, and Whistling-teal like to nest in covered places, so they look for any holes in trees to nest.

Do Mallard Ducks Go In Trees?

Yes, Mallards usually prefer to make their nest well-covered so they nest in a natural hole in a tree.

Do Ducks Sleep In Trees?

Yes, smaller ducks like wood ducks tend to sleep in trees, which is a very common behavior for them, especially females, where females live and sleep with their chicks in trees. 

What Kind Of Trees Do Ducks Like?

Ducks prefer trees near sources of water and food, where they can descend from their nest, get their needs, and return to their nest in trees easily.

Doaa Salah Profile Picture
Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.