The +20 Types Of Flowers That Goats Can Eat

Have you ever thought that goats can get poisoned by eating a particular flower or plant? Many of us believe that goats and other animals can safely eat any plant or flower.

This is what we are used to, as we see goats and cattle grazing in free pastures and eating whatever they want without being harmed. Roaming of goats and cattle may increase, especially in early spring or autumn, or when droughts come and forage is in short supply.

Despite this usual scene, the matter carries many deep details that we do not know. Indeed, there may be sick cases among goats, but they are not attributed to eating poisonous flowers and plants.

Herbivorous goats are at high risk of plant poisoning. Goats are lively and agile, so they can roam and pass over large areas to taste many flowers. Goats may be poisoned if they are fed any poisonous plants or flowers.

Let’s be on the safe side and find out which flowers goats can safely eat in the following lines.

What Flowers Can Goats Eat?

White Goat is Eating

In fact, there is no list of flowers that goats can safely eat and which flowers are poisonous to goats. However, we can say that most of the flowers can safely be eaten by goats such as Hollyhocks, sunflower, Hibiscus, and Marigolds except for the poisonous plant flowers known to other animals and birds. 

For this reason, even if there are poisonous flowers, they will not harm the goats in a significant proportion because more often than not goats do safe browsing ,So they rarely eat enough toxic substances to cause any appreciable harm.

These Plants and Their Flowers Are Completely Safe for Goats


The digestive system of goats, although it is similar to that of other ruminants such as sheep and cows who eat grass as “shepherds”, it is found that goats are more closely related to the nature of the diet of deer, who are “browsers”.

This means that goats act more as browsers to eat as they prefer trees and brush more than grass.

Therefore, there is not a major concern with regard to the food that the goats eat because it is natural for the goats to nibble a little here and a little there, meaning that they will not eat large quantities of the herbs and flowers present.

Common Poisonous Flowers to Goats

Young White Goat

Poisoning of goats may occur. Goat poisoning by plants containing gray toxins or cyanogenic glycosides is a very common type of poisoning in goats.

If the goats eat any of the flowers or parts of the following plants, they will be poisoned

  • Pieris 
  • Rhododendron species  cherry laurel, 
  • Prunus laurocerasus Taxus species
  • Quercus species Conium maculatum
  • Hesperotropsis leylandii
  • Buxus sempervirens
  • Nerium oleander
  • Jacobaea vulgaris

If goats eat large quantities of these plants Sudden death will frequently be the first sign of plant toxicosis in goats. 

To What Extent Does Goat Poisoning With Flowers Occur?

In fact, the matter is relative, as you find many goat breeders who report that their goats have eaten poisonous flowers and were not harmed, and others report that their goats were damaged even though they were eating safe plants and foods.

In order to control the matter and avoid confusion, you have to follow some considerations so that things go well.

Some Important Tips to Prevent Goat Poisoning

Here are 4 tips that we think are crucial to reduce the chances of getting your goats poisoned:

1. Do Not Overeat Any Food

Everything should be in moderation. Goats should not be given too much food on the grounds that it is safe or allowed to devour a large amount of flowers or plants just because it is safe.

Even good plants and flowers can develop into a dangerous toxic condition! In the event that the goats eat a large amount of food.

Whereas, even if the plant is safe, it is unfamiliar to the goats, and it may develop into a dangerous toxic condition called intestinal poisoning! If goats eat a large bunch of a plant they are not used to it.

So, you have to avoid these risks by introducing new types of flowers and plants slowly.

2. Feed Them Well Before You Release Them

If you intend to release your goats to graze, you must make sure that your goats have fully eaten their main meal until they come out full, so do not overeat plants and flowers, but rather eat them as a kind of reward in moderation.

3. Avoid Sudden Changes in Their Food

One of the important things to consider when feeding goats is to avoid sudden changes in their food. whereas

This may expose them to digestive disorders or sensitivity to this food. It is better to introduce the new foods gradually in order to test the extent of their impact on the goats and their compatibility with them.

4. Learn About Poisonous Flowers

Although the goats are surfers and roam here and there to taste the flowers and plants around them.

Unfortunately, the goats may be released in a place where there are not many options for browsing, and the option available to them, unfortunately, may be poisonous.

If this is the case they will be saturated with that toxic substance! So, you should be as aware as possible of toxic flowers.

Your local veterinarian, county extension office or state veterinary college can give you a detailed list of plants that are most often found in your area with additional problems for goats.


Can Goats Eat Yellow Flowers?

Yes, goats can eat yellow flowers, but in order to be in the safety corner, you must not let them eat alot of them.

They need to eat small amounts at first until you test the extent of their acceptance of them and the extent of their impact on them. If the goats show any uncomfortable symptoms, you will have to prevent them later.

Can Goats Eat Hydrangea?

Hydrangeas should not be eaten by goats, although there are conflicting reports of goats eating hydrangeas.
Some people report that their goats consume kouba without the appearance of any problems or signs of illness, and others report that their goats have signs of disease.

However, We still recommend not to offer them to goats It contains cyanogenic glycosides, saponins, and alkaloids, which can cause severe and fatal poisoning to animals including goats and cattle.

The leaves are the most toxic parts of this plant. The seeds and flowers contain amounts of the toxin, which are greater in the leaves, withered roots, and stems, which are often found in dry hay.

Small amounts may not have a serious effect, but at higher doses, it leads to sedation, followed by depression, coma, and instant death.

Can Goats Eat Sunflowers?

Yes, goats can eat sunflowers safely. They can enjoy sunflower seeds, stalks, and flowers without any harm. Sunflowers are even a delicious, nutritious healthy treat that goats love.

Goats benefit greatly, and some breeders use it as a food supplement for goats because it is a good source of fiber and protein.

Black oil sunflower seeds also contain a high percentage of oil and lead to an increase in the health and luster of coats. But it should not be excessive in providing it to the goats so as not to harm them.

You can put it in limited quantities with their feed, at a rate of a quarter of a cup for each goat.

Do Goats Eat Hibiscus?

Yes, goats can eat hibiscus, as hibiscus flowers are not toxic to goats in any way and do not contain any toxic substance. Hibiscus is one of the excellent sources of antioxidants for goats, so goats can eat hibiscus flowers and stems.

But it must be in moderate quantities and gradually introduced to goats.

Doaa Salah Profile Picture
Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.