We all as goat breeders understand that worms and parasites are one of the most annoying problems that threaten the health of our goats, for which we have always thought of solutions and tried ways to treat them.
Truly Deworming is a crucial aspect of goat care, and choosing the right product is essential for maintaining their health. Deworming is vital for maintaining the health and well-being of goats.
Internal parasites can cause a range of issues, including poor weight gain, anemia, reduced milk production, and even death in severe cases. That’s why, it should be in your consideration to regularly deworming your goats.
It helps control these parasites is an important measure such as providing adequate food and shelter whereas, even if you provide the goats with the best living conditions, that effort can be in vain, as the worms find their way to your goats.
There are many dewormers in veterinary pharmacies, but some may be confused about which of them is effective for the condition of their goats. Quest Plus is one popular dewormer on the market, but can you give Quest Plus to goats? Let’s get to know more about this drug and discover its validity for goats in the following lines.
Can You Give Quest Plus to Goats?
Yes, many goat owners have already reported positive results when using Quest Plus as a dewormer for their goats. Although Quest Plus has not been extensively tested in goats.
Quest Plus is a dewormer specifically designed for equines, targeting parasites such as strongyles, bots, and tapeworms. While it is not approved for use in goats, it is used off-label by many goat breeders.
Why Do Goat Owners Use Quest Plus?
They tend to use Quest Plus as it is a highly effective deworming medication. It manages internal parasites in goats exceptionally.
Quest Plus contains two active ingredients, moxidectin, and praziquantel, which work together to target a wide range of parasites, including roundworms, stomach worms, and tapeworms. It is very popular among goat breeders for controlling internal parasites.
However, caution should be taken when using Quest Plus and any medication off-label, as their dosage requirements and their potential side effects may vary from one species to another species.
As we mentioned previously in other articles, the nature of the digestive system of horses differs from the digestive system of goats and other ruminants.
As we have found that there are indeed plants that goats can safely eat while causing harm to horses and vice versa, some substances can be safe for horses and harmful to goats.
Therefore, it is not possible to rely on other people’s experiences to give medicines to goats, since even one species of animal contains many and varied individual cases.
To be on the safe side it is best to consult a veterinarian before administering Quest Plus to your goat. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation and can recommend a proper deworming product that is safe and effective for your goats.
Some Considerations When Using Quest Plus for Goats
The Quest Plus is primarily formulated for horses as we mentioned above, so there are some considerations that should be in mind when giving it to goats. The important of them is the age and weight restrictions.
- Quest Plus should never be administered to young or weak goats without professional guidance.
- It is generally recommended for adult goats with a significant parasite burden.
So it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian beforehand to ensure appropriate dosage and administration. A vet will consider factors such as the size, age, and overall health of the goat before determining the right dosage.
Always follow the veterinarian’s instructions regarding age and weight restrictions when considering deworming with Quest Plus.
How Much Dewormer Medicine Can You Give a Goat?
As we mentioned Quest Plus is primarily formulated for horses Therefore, we cannot find certain reliable specific doses for goats, as the doses differ and vary from one person to another. We have conducted our research and explored many experiences of breeders, and we have reached doses that were effective with them.
Quest Plus Dosage For Goats
From the experiences of goat owners who used Quest Plus to get rid of goat worms. We found that they used to give goats three times the dose prescribed for horses. for example to calculate Quest Plus dose For goats weighing 50 lbs.
We will first calculate the Quest dose of the horse, which is 1CC per 100 pounds. So goat dose will be 1,5 CC. Goat breeders recommended increasing the dose slightly because if it is more, it is better than a lower dose in order to be effective for goats.
Like with any dewormer, you should redo the Quest 10 days later. In case the goats are really wormy you should do 3 doses, leaving 10 days apart.
Is Quest Plus Safe for Pregnant Goats?
Yes, some goat breeders have reported using Quest Plus for pregnant goats safely without any health problems. It is usually used by goat breeders at a dose twice the dose used for horses.
Possible Side Effects of Using Quest Plus for Goats
Although Quest Plus is generally safe when used correctly, there are potential side effects to be aware of. There some
Disease symptoms appear on goats, ranging from moderate to severe, such as:
- Lethargy or temporary loss of appetite.
- Colic.
- Allergic responses.
You should closely observe the goat for any adverse reactions and promptly contact a veterinarian if necessary.
What is the Best Worm Medicine for Goats?
Medication Specifically Formulated for Goats
The best worm dewormer for your goats is the dewormers that have been specifically formulated for goats as these products have been tested and proven effective in treating goat-specific parasites.
If you’re a goat owner, you may be wondering if you can give Quest Plus to them. While Quest Plus is a popular deworming medication for horses, it is not recommended for use in goats. However, there are several alternatives available that are safe and effective for deworming goats.
A Dewormer That the Vet Recommended
Also, the dewormer your vet recommended for your goat specifically will work effectively. There are many deworming medications. Each of them has its pros and cons.
For example, Ivermectin has the advantage of being effective against a wide range of parasites, but it may not be as effective against tapeworms. On the other hand, Fenbendazole is effective against tapeworms but may not be as effective against certain types of roundworms.
So it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian experienced in goat health to ensure the safety and dosage for your specific situation. With proper care and consideration.
Alternatives to Quest Plus for Goats
One commonly used deworming medication for goats is. It is available in both injectable and oral formulations and can effectively control a wide range of internal and external parasites. Ivermectin is easy to administer and has been proven to be safe for goats when used as directed.
It is available under various brand names such as Safe-Guard or Panacur. It is effective against many types of worms and can be administered orally or mixed with feed. Fenbendazole is often used in rotation with other dewormers to prevent resistance from developing.
It is another common option for deworming goats. It is available under the brand names Prohibit or Levasole and is usually administered orally. Levamisole has a broad spectrum of activity against both roundworms and some types of tapeworms.
In conclusion, Proper deworming plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of your goats. When these parasites are eliminated or kept under control, goats are able to thrive and reach their full potential so choose a dewormer that is safe and effective for your animals.
Can goats have Quest plus dewormer?
Yes, Quest Plus can be used for deworming goats and even provides numerous benefits when used correctly to treat and prevent parasites in goats. but it is recommended to consult your veterinarian before using it for your goats as it is not medication specifically formulated for goats.
How do I keep my goat parasite-free?
by implementing good management practices and maintaining a parasite-free environment such as:
1- Rotational grazing
2- keeping pastures clean
3- separating young and adult goats
4- Regular fecal testing
5- Giving goats preventive doses of dewormer regularly
Does apple cider vinegar help goats with worms?
No, apple cider vinegar is not effective on worm goats. Although there are many suggested recipes on the Internet for worming using apple cider vinegar and other alternatives, it has been scientifically tested and found that it does not work. So it is not recommended in the treatment of worms in goats.
Although some claim the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for treating goat worms, this may be very slight, as reducing the number of worm eggs a little does not mean eliminating them.
How do you get rid of worms in goats fast?
By Oral drenching with common deworms such as Tramisol, levamisole, and ivermectin. This is a commonly used measure recommended by goat experts to get rid of worms in goats fast.