Can Goats Remember Faces? A Well Researched Answer!

A study of goats showed that some goats were trained to retrieve food from a box by pulling a lever and then lifting it. When the goats were re-tested ten months later in obtaining food in the same way, it did not take much time for the goats to remember how to get food from the boxes.

It has only been two minutes and the goats have remembered what they did 10 months ago and have already got the food in the correct way as they were previously taught. It seems that goats have a strong memory, contrary to what some people think.

But How long is a goat’s memory? And Can goats recognize people?

Let’s get to know more about the extent to which goats can remember people and faces.

Can Goats Remember Faces?

3 Young Goats!

Yes, goats remember faces, and the evidence for this is that they tend to interact positively with people they know, and may show them feelings of happiness and good reception whenever they see them.

This indicates that goats have a visual memory that creates a profile of the faces they see to be remembered later.

How Long is a Goat’s Memory?

The researchers point out that the results that appear about the memory of goats, most of them were impressive, and showed that they contradict the common misconception that goats are not animals that have memory or are smart, but it turns out that they have a long-term memory that gives them the ability to learn complex tasks and remember them after long periods.

This explains why goats are so successful in colonizing different new environments. Goats show a high degree of adaptability and thrive even when they are moved to different environments.

Can Goats Recognize Their Owners?

The Farmer With His Goat

Yes, goats remember their owners, but rather they form strong bonds with them due to their social nature, which appears well in their dealings with the animals that live with them, as well as with humans.

Although goats are not popular domestic animals like cats and others, they are social animals that have interacted positively with humans for thousands of years.

Can Goats Understand Human Emotions?

Yes, goats understand human emotions to a large extent and interact with them, despite the difference in the way humans and goats express their feelings. However, research has found that goats understand human emotions so much that they can tell the difference between smiley and frowny faces.

In a British study published in Royal Society Open Science in 2018, 20 goats were submitted for facial recognition tests. The researchers provided human pictures for goats to watch and record their reactions.

Three things were measured during the study: the type of faces the goats saw, how the goats interacted with the faces, and the amount of time spent looking at the faces.[1]

Results of the Study 

The results of the study showed that about 52 percent of the goats tested in the study said they looked at and reacted to the happy face, about 30 percent of the goats looked first at the angry faces and 18 percent didn’t choose any expression.

The study also showed that there did not appear to be any discrimination between men and women.

The study, published in Royal Society Open Science, states that not only can goats recognize humans, but they also generally prefer to interact with happy faces regardless of the gender of the human faces and the gender of the goats.

The study showed that these results indicate that the ability of goats to perceive human facial signals is not limited to those who have a long history of domestication only as companions and therefore their ability may be more now after domestication than previously thought. It was thought that only goats with a long history of domestication had the ability to distinguish human facial signals.

Do Goats Like It When You Smile at Them?

Yes, goats like it when you smile at them. According to the results of the aforementioned study, it appears that the goats react positively to smiling faces and realize the feeling of happiness and joy towards them.

This corresponds to what actually happens. If you have goats, when you approach them smiling and showing them signs of joy and welcome, you will find them exchanging the same feeling as you find them accepting you and following you.

There are many behaviors that show goats’ love and happiness for you, Let’s take an overview of these behaviors.

Signs That The Goat Is Happy With You

Goat is eating

Trying to Get Close to You and Touch You

When a goat tries to show affection to its owner, it tries to approach him and rub it like a cat does. Although this is not typical goat behavior. But they do this to express their love and happiness in the presence of this person. They would like their owner to reciprocate the same feeling.

You can interact with your goats as they love being scratched on:

  • The sides of their jaw
  • Their head
  • Their’s chest
  • Armpits
  • The sides of their neck

You can do this if you want to give your goats a reward each time you pet them. The goat will have positive associations and feelings with physical affection. This can be used to establish a strong bond with your goats that you can teach and train them for anything. Goats appreciate being friendly and making them feel safe with you.

Bleating Noise

Goat bleating is a term for their way of communicating. Baby goats use bleating to call out to their mother, as does a baby goat crying for its mother. Also, the goat mothers respond to them with bleating to reassure them.

Goats prostitute each other and their humans. They consider bleating as a sign of affection and goats also use it to express that they are nervous.

If a goat calls you bleating, it means that they are happy to see you. They also bleat until you contact them and they want to make sure you are the human they know.

Did you know that goats also respond to your voice, but if you talk to them gently, they may respond to you by pointing their ears forward? It is a sign that they are trying to communicate that they feel good and happy towards you.

Playing and Having Fun Around You

If the goat has positive feelings towards you, it is trying to show the goat affection by playing and running around you. Goats are playful and love playtime, as do kittens and puppies.

You will find them trying to get you to play with them. They will run around you, quickly run away from you, then run backward, and soon.

You can interact with them by imitating their play by chasing the goats and quickly running in the other direction. It is likely that the goat will follow you and the goat will come to get you.

Following You Everywhere

Goats are social animals and the following behavior is well known to them. They like to live in groups and usually like to have a leader. They follow the dominant goat as a show of respect.

Goats also behave the same way with the person they love and want to show them feelings of love and care. So if a goat is fond of you, it will follow you wherever you go.

What Does it Mean If a Goat Stares at You?

A new study shows that goats stare at humans when dealing with a difficult problem. This behavior is not limited to goats only, but this behavior is a form of communication that was seen in other pets, which means that it is a common behavior among tamed beasts. Where staring at humans is tantamount to asking for help from humans in solving a problem.

Some researchers have referred to some wild animals as goats that acquired more social skills when domesticated, as they adapted to human-like social skills to become domesticated.

Biologist Christian Nawroth of Queen Mary University of London conducted several studies in Biology Letters and explained that: “It is known that dogs and horses are able to communicate in a referential and intentional manner with humans.” He said he and his team wanted to see if this connection extends to the types of cattle raised for production rather than companionship.

So Nawroth and his colleagues set up a problem-solving goat experiment with 34 adult goats.

The experiment was as follows: the team trained these goats to remove the lid of a plastic box in order to get a piece of food, and once they understood and trained on it, the researchers created an “unsolvable” environment where the food boxes were obstructed so that the goats could not remove the lid.

The researcher sat with the goats during these experiments to observe them goats, he was facing them at some times and away from them at other times.

The research team filmed the goats’ interactions, and it was found that the goats reacted to the fixed covers by immediately staring at the person with them. The goats usually made eye contact within 20 seconds when the researcher faced forward. But the goats waited six times as long as the researcher turned his back.

The goats also attempted to make eye contact more and for a longer time when the researcher showed his face.

This behavior is similar to that of humans where young children stare when you are in trouble and seems to be a sign of maturing social skills.

Nawroth and his team believe that goats only pick up on these social cues after they have spent significant amounts of time with humans. They believe that domestication is a key factor in acquiring social behaviors, interacting with humans, understanding their feelings, and communicating with them. However, the rule of domestication does not always apply to animals staring at humans.

Cats perform very poorly in this behavior and hardly look at humans if they are in an insoluble challenge. Narworth explained that this was due to their somewhat solitary lifestyle.

Narworth said they are interested in the exact target of staring behavior directed by animals such as goats, which they use as a direct request for help from humans.

Doaa Salah Profile Picture
Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.