The 8 Advantages and 4 Disadvantages of Jersey Cows: What Every Dairy Farmer Should Know

If you’re here, you’re probably considering raising a Jersey cow in your dairy farm. However, you haven’t you made your final decision.

You’re also thinking that you’ve to compare the pros and cons of Jersey cows before making such a decision. Actually, you’re right thinking this way!

When you hear about Jersey cows, the first thing that may come to your mind is their rich and delicious milk.

Yes, they are well known for it. But are there other advantages to Jersey cows? On the other hand, What are the disadvantages to them?

In today’s article, we’re talking about the advantages and disadvantages of Jersey cows. I’ve done my research and gathered all the information needed in one place. It is organized and simplified to help you make a suitable decision.

When talking about the pros and cons of Jersey cows, you should expect that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Otherwise Jersey cows would not be the No. 2 dairy breed in the world.

It is raised in many countries. It is also exported to distant regions for farmers to benefit from its advantages. Let’s take a deeper look:

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Jersey Cow?

Jersey Cows on the farm

The Advantages Of A Jersey Cow

Jersey cows are one of the most popular dairy cow breeds for a good reason. They are famous for a number of advantages including high quality milk. Here are the other advantages that are commonly overlooked:

  1. Feed conversion efficiency.
  2. Producing nutrient-rich milk.
  3. A2 beta-casein proteins.
  4. Better taste.
  5. Heat tolerance.
  6. High fertility.
  7. Genetic gain.
  8. Storage level.
  9. Manageability.

Don’t worry about the names, I will explain each one of them later.

The Disadvantages Of A Jersey Cow

Generally, nothing in the world is perfect and Jersey cows aren’t an exception. Here are some drawbacks that you need to consider before raising them:

  1. Low milk production
  2. Milk fever
  3. Small size
  4. Lower growth

Let’s go deeper and know more about the advantages and disadvantages of Jersey cows. Let’s start by talking about why Jersey cows are that popular?

What Are The Advantages Of A Jersey Cow?

One Jersey Cow

Feed Conversion Efficiency

Jerseys come in the first place in the dairy industry community. It is the most efficient strain in converting feed into high-quality milk among the three main strains. It has an exceptional ability to produce rich milk regardless of the quality of the feed. It’s different from other dairy breeds. Others need an intensive diet with specific nutrients to improve the quality of milk.

Related Article: How Much Does A Jersey Cow Eat Per Day?

This is not just theoretical talk but results proven by numbers and statistics. Jersey converts feed per kilogram of live weight at a rate of 18% more than other breeds.

Not only that, it does not convert feed into light milk, but rather it converts feed into fats and solids. Jersey produces 13% more fat per kilogram of animal weight compared to other breeds. It also produces 9% more milk solids (protein, vitamins, and minerals) than other breeds.

You Might Be Also Interested In: Holstein Friesian Cattle Pros And Cons.

Producing Nutrient-Rich Milk

What we eat and drink is directly related to our health so it is important. while other dairy breeds may produce more milk than Jersey cows. Jersey cows produce high-quality milk and have nutritional value to a large extent.

When you drink a cup of milk and think about the nutritional benefit that will accrue to you. If the milk in the cup is from Jersey cows, then the benefit will be more nutritious.

A cup of Jersey milk contains 15% to 20% more protein than the milk of other dairy cows. It also have 20% more butterfat, 15% to 18% more calcium, and 10% to 12% more phosphorus! In addition, it contains much higher levels of the essential vitamin, B12. [1]

Talking about milk, here is a short video that shows why Jersey cow milk is so special:

Milk Rich With A2 Beta-Casein Proteins

Yes, this information deserves to be singled out from the rest of the nutrients contained in the milk of Jersey cows. Jersey cows contain higher levels of A2 beta-casein proteins.

This makes it a good choice for those looking for milk with high nutritional value. At the same time, it is not associated with diseases.

To make it clearer, Milk contains A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins. There has always been continuous research on their nutritional value and their effect on health and human diseases. This was particularly related to diabetes and lactose intolerance.

Most of the research indicates that milk that contains higher levels of A2 beta-casein proteins. This type of protein has a better health effect.

It has many health benefits. It improves some health conditions compared to milk containing A1 beta-casein proteins. The thing that concerns us from this point on now is the milk of Jersey cows. It contains higher levels of A2 beta-casein proteins.

Therefore, it is a good option when looking for milk that is high in nutritional value and healthy at the same time.

Better Taste

As we mentioned, Jersey milk naturally contains a higher amount of milk fat. This is up to 20% more than milk fat produced by other dairy strains.

It is certainly no secret to anyone that butter gives it a rich flavor, butter = flavor! As chefs always say in their programs.

Jersey milk is the main factor in the good taste of the dairy products that you are looking for in the supermarket. From milk and butter to ice cream, yogurt, cream, and other dairy products made with Jersey milk.

Jersey milk has a creamy flavor that is naturally richer. It doesn’t need any industrial additions. Therefore, Jersey milk is a great source of quality and nutrition, with a great flavor as well.

Related Article: What Does Buffalo Give Us?

Heat Tolerance

Jersey cattle have a very strong competitive advantage. They are highly heat-tolerant, which is an obstacle for other dairy breeds.

For example, Holstein cow breed collapses in warm climates and its productivity deteriorates. On the contrary, Jersey cows maintain their productive capacity in hot climates.

They continue to eat fodder well, produce and reproduce in warm temperatures. This the reason why, it has been successfully bred in some hot countries.

High Fertility

Jerseys are known for their great fertility. On average, jerseys have the highest fertility value. It has marked lower empty rates due to their superior fertility.

Breeding fertility values ​​are calculated using the percentage of calving within 42 days of calving onset. Through information drawn from herd registration software such as MINDA and MISTRO. Following Jersey cows, they show high fertility rates.

Calving Intervals average of jersey cow at 399 days. This is considered a reduced calving interval. But, why is this good?

This means increased milk production, as the cows will have a longer lactation period.

Empty Rate is the period in which the cow isn’t pregnant.

Good Health And Longevity

The Jersey breed has attention garbing upsides from the health side. It is not highly susceptible to many potential health problems in dairy cows. This includes problems with feet and legs, number of collapsed udders, mastitis, and difficulty in childbirth.

Jerseys on average require a marked lower replacement rate than Holstein Friesian counterparts. It is 17% compared to 22%.

Environmentally Friendly

There is a Research conducted by DairyNZ on methane emissions and nitrogen excretions in the urine of cows.

It concluded that methane emissions and nitrogen excretions in urine averaged 22 grams of methane emitted in urine per kilogram of methane ingested by cows.

The undershirt requires less fodder compared to other breeds to achieve the same output of milk solids produced by other dairy cows.

Genetic Gain

The Jersey hardy is a wonderful breed for crossbreeding. It maintains genetic diversity to constantly improve genetic traits.

Storage Levels

Jersey cows are a small breed and therefore require lower stocking levels. Jersey cows can comfortably reach stocking levels of 2.5 cows per acre of pasture.

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Jersey cows are adaptable to a variety of farming systems. Whether external grazing systems or more intensive indoor management systems.

While jersey cows come with alot of pros, you need to know that every thing comes with its drawback. Let’s learn about the dark side and talk about the disadvantages of Jersey cows.

What Are The Disadvantages Of A Jersey Cow?

A small jersey cow

Low Amount Of Milk

Jersey cows are famous for producing little milk compared to other dairy breeds. They produce 13,000 kg during their productive life. Other dairy breeds, such as Holstein cows, produce about 19,000 kg of milk in their productive life.

Small Size

The small size is an advantage that offer some ease of management and storage. However, it is considered a disadvantage for some due to the low weight of the resulting meat. The Jersey breed is not a meat breed in origin, but the weight may be a profit factor for some. Jersey cows weigh an average of 350 to 550 kg.

Related Article: Healthy vs. Harmful: Should Jersey Cows Be Skinny?

Slow Growth Rate

Calves grow at a relatively slow growth rate compared to other breeds. Their growth rate is 4.2%, while the growth rate of competing Holstein cows is 6.8%.

Milk Fever

This is considered one of the weaknesses of Jersey cows. It is famous for the fact that its calves are prone to developing milk fever after birth. Calves suffer from the inability to stand, weakness, and the tendency to lie down.


Which is the better milk cow Jersey or Holstein?

Holstein cows are popular for producing more amounts milk. However, Jersey cows converts more if its intake to milk. This is considered more efficient.

Also, Jersey cows milk has more butterfat content compared to Holstein cows milk. Jersey cows milk is also more nutritious and gives a better taste.

Overall, I think the winner will be Jersey cows when it comes to milk quality.

Which is better Jersey cow milk or buffalo milk?

In short, Buffalo milk is thicker, more nutritious and have more butterfat. If you’re looking for fat based dairy products, buffalo milk is the way to go.

Why would a dairy farmer prefer Jersey cows?

Because it’s such a profitable cow to have! Here are 8reasons why every dairy farmer should consider jersey cows:
1. High Feed conversion ratio.
2. Very nutritious milk.
3. Its milk have A2 beta-casein proteins.
4. Better milk taste.
5. Jersey cow is suitable for hot regions.
6. High fertility.
7. Good for crossbreeding.
8. Doesn’t much space and easy to manage.

Should we drink Jersey cow milk?

Of course! Jersey cows is more nutritious and better in taste than most other types of milk.

What are the disadvantages of Jersey cow Milk?

The main con of Jersey cows milk is its quantity. Though Jersey cows have a high feed conversion ratio, it produces less milk compared to Holstein cows.

However, keep in mind that Jersey take less feed and produce more milk compared to other breeds.

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Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.