A Beginner’s Guide: How to Grow Your Own Russet Potatoes From Store Bought Potatoes

Russet potatoes are one of the most famous types of potatoes that produce large crops, and many countries rely on them to provide citizens with potato needs. As with other crops, the cultivation of any plant begins with the selection of seeds.

Seeds are a factor of paramount importance in the success of the cultivation process. So it is better to start planting potato plants using high-quality seeds to obtain a healthy and productive potato crop.

Some farmers say that there is no difference between custom potato seeds and regular potatoes from the grocery store ,as they look identical to each other (potato seeds are actually potato fruits and not small seeds like other types of seeds). But in fact, stored russet potatoes are completely different from seed ones.

They are mainly grown for the purpose of eating, that is, they are not necessarily selected to be grown. They may not be resistant to diseases or may not carry good productive genes. Grocery store potatoes are also traditionally treated with the herbicide chlorpropham to prevent germination so that they remain stable and intact on the grocery shelf longer.

So what drives some to grow grocery potatoes? Simply, because it is available to them and its price is more economical than potato seeds.  It is available at any time, and it is not necessary to wait to get it as potato seeds. We’re always ready to help you with whatever you want to do, so here are our top tips for growing store-bought Russet potatoes.

How To Grow Russet Potatoes From Strore Bought Potatoes?

Seed Potatoes on the Bucket

The steps to growing russet potatoes from store bought ones is pretty much the same in any russet potatoes planting guide which is:

  1. Selecting And Preparing You Russet Potatoes.
  2. Preparing Your Soil.
  3. The Planting Phase.
  4. Caring For Your Russet Potato Plant.
  5. And Finally, Harvesting And Enjoying Your Results.

However, the secret lays within the details:

I. Selecting Seed Potatoes

We know that you don’t have many options when choosing which store bought russet potato to grow. However, we will do our best to get the ones that is most likely to give the best plants and results:

What Are Seed Potatoes?

Potato seeds are deliberately selected potato fruits that have certain characteristics for the purpose of cultivation. These can be purchased at gardening and gardening supply centers or from online suppliers. They are tested to be disease resistant and not chemically treated.[1]

How To Select The Right Seed Potatoes For Planting

When choosing your seed potatoes, you need to consider these factors:

  • Organic potatoes, Where it is not treated with pesticides to discourage budding and other disease pesticides.
  • looks healthy and does not show any signs of rotting or disease.
  • Preferably to have small sprouts.
  • Intact and does not have any scratches or scars.
  • It has clear germination eyes.
  • Old potatoes, as potatoes remain in a dormant period of about 4-8 weeks after harvest before they germinate. So the old potatoes will be better and faster in germination.

Tips For Storing Seed Potatoes Until Planting

Keep potatoes in a warm, bright place two to three weeks before planting to encourage germination.

II. Preparing The Soil

Having a good soil means that you’re most likely going to have a good crop, so you do really want to pay attention to preparing your soil carefully:

Soil Requirements For Growing Russet Potatoes

The 3 main requirements for growing russet potatoes is a well-drained, loose soil, with a pH of about 4.5 to 5.5.

How To Prepare Your Soil For Planting Russet Potatoes?

Mix the soil with fertilizer to nourish it and wet it with water and wait for the planting phase.

Importance Of Soil Testing And pH Adjustment

Identifying and adjusting soil conditions. as we mentioned that potatoes do not grow well except in certain conditions (light, rich, acidic soil).

III. Planting Russet Potatoes

Once you’ve done the above steps right, planting isn’t a problem any more. You just need to do it the perfect time with a good technique and wait for your results:

When To Plant Russet Potatoes

In late winter or early spring as it is a bit cold tolerant, plant it when the ground temperature is around 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

How To Plant Seed Potatoes

Dig a trench about 8 inches deep, then fill the bottom with 4 cm of soil. Stack the rows of potatoes so that each one sits in an area of ​​1 square foot. Cover the potatoes with another 3 or 4 cm of soil.

Importance Of Proper Spacing And Depth

Potatoes are root plants, that is, the fruits grow downwards in the soil, while the stems and leaves grow upwards, so they must be placed at a certain depth that allows them to expand when growing. Each potato fruit results in a plant that forms 10 to 15 potatoes, so it must be planted large enough to accommodate the batches of newly produced potatoes.

Tips For Planting In Containers

Did you know that the safest way to grow stored potatoes is to grow them in containers? This is for easy control of soil and plants when grown in containers. You will be able to get rid of soil contaminated with any pests and infected plant parts in the event of any disease, especially potato blight.

Related Article: How to Grow Red Potatoes in Buckets, Containers and Pots?

If you’re interested in growing russet potatoes at home, you can learn more by visiting our comprehensive guide on growing the most delicious russet potatoes at home.

The most important tip when growing potatoes in containers are that they are well-drained, regardless of their material or size. Where you can use any container you have of any size from the first 5 gallons, just make holes in the container to drain excess water because water-saturated soil leads to potato spoilage.

Keep in mind that if you don’t have a suitable container, you can use an alternative approach which is using potato bags for growing Russet potatoes.

IV. Caring For Russet Potato Plants

Fertilizing the plant

Watering And Fertilizing Requirements

Potato plants need 1 to 2 inches of water per week. It needs fertilization at the beginning of cultivation. During its growing season, you can fertilize it about 2 to 4 times.

Controlling Pests And Diseases

Use a plant cover to avoid pests and insects, remove any infected parts and use pesticide sprays if you find diseased plants.

Importance Of Proper Weed Management

Improving the growth of potato plants to obtain a high yield. weeds will lead to a reduction in yield if they are not controlled and managed within 4 weeks after the emergence of potatoes. 

V. Harvesting And Storing Russet Potatoes

When To Harvest Russet Potatoes

After about 105 days of planting or before that, the evidence here is that the leaves of potato plants turn yellow and wither.

Steps For Harvesting And Curing Potatoes

here are the 4 main steps to harvest you russet potato crop the right way:

  • Dig the soil gently, and pick up the potatoes.
  • Leave it to dry completely
  • Remove all dirt with a planting brush.
  • Put it in a warm and dark place.

How To Store Russet Potatoes For Long-Term Use

Potatoes will stay healthy for a long time when stored in a cool, dark place with a cool temperature of about 50 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity of 90 to 95 percent, like, you know, a temperature- and humidity.

VI. Troubleshooting Common Problems

There are 5 main problems that you man encounter when growing your russet potatoes:

  1. Blight
  2. Verticillium wilt
  3. Nematodes 
  4. Pests
  5. Voles

But, how to face them? well, there are 2 main steps:

  1. Take care of the plant and monitor it constantly
  2. Intervention with appropriate treatment and pesticides according to the disease which requires a specialist to give the right treatment in every case.


How Do You Prepare Russet Potatoes For Planting?

Cut it into pieces that contain two or three eyes, and put it in a warm place for about 4 days to a week before planting.

How Do You Know When Russet Potatoes Are Ready To Harvest?

When the leaves turn yellow and begin to wilt and die.

How Many Days Does It Take Russet Potatoes To Mature?

russet potatoes take from 90 to 110 days to maturity.

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Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.