How Often Should You Feed Cattle Cubes?

Cattle cubes have become very common, and they are sold in all markets for livestock feed and even on online pages. Some breeders may want to buy them to improve the quality of their livestock’s feed. However, they often do not know the appropriate amount for livestock or how often they feed them to their livestock.

Don’t worry about all of this, as we have conducted our research to relieve your brain from the headache of searching and thinking,. In today’s article, we’re presenting the most important information related to cattle cubes.

How Often Should You Feed Cattle Cubes?

a tied cow

No exact number can be determined for the number of times the cattle cubes are fed. There are various factors that determine the amount of food fed to cattle in general and the cubes in particular.

There are some who suggest providing cubes to cattle daily at the rate of 1 to 9 pounds. In the case of feeding cattle with high-protein alfalfa, their need for cubes decreases. Most probably, You will feed them at a rate of 2 pounds per day. But if the alfalfa is of lower quality, you will need to feed them more cattle pellets. You can feed them up to 10 pounds or more, to provide them with their protein needs.

Alfalfa may have a relatively lower cost than protein supplements. That’s why so many breeders resort to using it as a protein supplement instead of protein cubes. You can easily determine how much protein your alfalfa contains by performing a nutrient analysis on your alfalfa.

Are Cattle Cubes Good For Cattle?

Yes, of course, as the main function of the cattle cubes is to provide cattle with the required amount of protein. It works to maintain its ideal health condition in addition to its weight, which gives excellent productivity. [1]

Cattle cubes provide many of the nutrients that cattle need such as protein, minerals and vitamins. Most of the cattle cubes often contain 20% of the natural crude protein. There are also those that contain higher protein ratios, reaching 37 to 41 percent of the crude protein.

Also, some cubes may contain other compounds such as: Trace Minerals and Vitamins, Prebiotics, Trace Mineral Amino Acid Complexes and Chromium Propionate. Cattle accept to eat cattle cubes and compete for them. it is easy for them to eat, and they come in different sizes that suit all. You can grind cattle cubes and combine them with their food to reduce competition between your herd.

In general, the cattle cubes are safe and suitable for all stages of cattle in the pastures. you can feed your cattle with cubes and with sufficient amounts of feed, Bearing in mind that these points :

Cattle Cube Ingredients

Cattle cubes vary greatly in their components and the proportions of their elements. There are high-protein cubes, others have moderate levels of protein, and others come with other additions such as minerals, vitamins and mineral acids.

Therefore, not all cubes are suitable for all cattle and cannot be fed in the same amount. This will be based on the needs of the animal, the components of the cattle cubes and their proportion.

While feeding the cubes to the cattle, it is recommended to wait 7 to 10 days when making a change to the ration cubes, until the cattle adjust to the new ration. Cattle may need to drink more water while eating the cubes. Therefore, fresh and clean water must be provided near the livestock feeding area. It is also recommended to provide dipping options with low salts.

Cattle Weight 

It is necessary to monitor the body condition of the cattle on a regular basis and make the recommended adjustments by the manufacturer of the cattle cubes according to the body condition of the cattle. Cattle can be categorized according to their weight into three categories which certainly demand different needs of cattle cubes:

Low body weight

Low body weight indicates that the body lacks many nutrients such as protein and minerals. Therefore, this must be taken into account, as those cattle that suffer from skinniness need a large amount of cubes of cattle compared to others.

Moderate body weight

Cattle that have a moderate body weight do not lack a significant lack of nutrients, but they are fed to excel in their condition and reach a superior condition that makes them a great  source of productivity if they are taken care of. Sometimes they do not need supplementary feeding. But if you provide them with cattle cubes in reasonable proportions, they will move to a higher level of productivity.

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high body weight

Fatty Cattle with a high weight do not need nutritional supplements in most cases, but they can be given a few cattle cubes to raise the level of some nutrients in their meat. then their meat and milk have a higher nutritional value.

You may find that some of your livestock gobble up large amounts of food, which is sometimes called “spoiled cow syndrome”. Try to avoid this phenomenon and do not allow the cattle to manipulate you into offering more food. Give them only what is sufficient for them and makes them healthy.

The Productive Stage Of Cattle

The number of times the cattle are fed the cubes will depend on what stage they are. A stage of growth at a young age, a stage of meat production, or a stage of pregnancy and lactation. As each stage requires a specific feeding system.

Keeping the previous points in mind and adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions will make it alright.

Are Cubes Better Than Hay?

It is not fair to assert that cattle cubes are better than hay. Far from the well-known benefits of cattle cubes, which made them spread widely, hay has very great health benefits. It is very healthy for the cattle’s body and their digestive system, in particular. fodder. It protects them from stomach ulcers, helps them develop their teeth, and regulates feeding time.

Therefore, a balance must be made between the cubes of cattle and hay, and always know that the farther you go from natural feed, the more you will strain your animal’s body, even if the matter appears to be the opposite.

How Long Do Cattle Cubes Last?

cattle cubes are dry, moisture-free products that can be stored and kept valid for 3 to 6 months.

Can You Feed Cattle Too Much Protein?

No, contrary to what many believe that increasing protein is a good thing for your cattle. Some researchers have confirmed that it is not necessary to exaggerate in feeding livestock with protein.

Protein is naturally converted to urea in the blood. When cattle eat large amounts of protein, all this excess protein turns into urea and ammonia in the blood. This exposes the body of cattle to serious health problems such as suppression of the immune system, problems of the pituitary gland, and decreased fertility. This is due to inhibition of luteinizing hormone and progesterone which leads to problems in the ovaries.

Ammonia also has a toxic effect on the tissues of the uterus, which leads to damage to the gametes and the fetus. Therefore, you have to be on the safe side by feeding protein according to your animal’s needs only, without exaggeration.

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Doaa Salah
The shy one (too shy to put her photo) and the only girl in our team! Doaa is a veterinarian who is passionate about writing content. She knows a lot about animals and birds, as she has been studying them for many years now. Her goal? She is researching and learning to convey to you all the knowledge she have and what's new about farming.